I would like to create a hypothetical model showing the
spread of the deer population in Vermont if hunting was prohibited. The
starting point would be a map of Vermont showing the current areas populated
with deer and then I would have to do some sort of calculation using the
current effect of hunting on the deer population and then a calculation with
zero effect from hunting (because hypothetically there is no hunting). The
output would then be a map of the population in however many years with the
continued amount of hunting we have today and another map of the population in
that many years without any hunting.
After some difficult research on finding an input map for
the current deer population in Vermont, I have run across a picture of a map of
the U.S. with the white-tailed deer densities on the QDMA website. So I am
hopefully in the process of getting my input map for my model. I then turned my
research on similar publications done in Dinamica to figure out what my model
should consist of. I looked at the publication called “Spatially explicit agent
based model of rabbit population” which is a similar study on the spread of
rabbit populations. This publication was a little confusing, but I was able to
determine that my model also should be a spatially explicit (i.e. mimics
environmental phenomena across space and time) agent based model (i.e. attempts
to reproduce individual process of movement, behavior, birth, growth, and death
according to a set of information). The authors took into account many
attributes and parameters about the rabbits such as their : vision, energy
spent to survive, maximum absorption of energy, energy spent to move, average
lifespan, initial amount of calories, initial population, and maximum birth
rate. When it comes to the landscape, they had it represented as a cell grid in
which each cell contains a certain amount of resource. The attributes
associated with the cells are the maximum capacity of resources (which are
represented as the initial values on the landscape map) and the recovery rate
of the landscape.
In the case of my project, I think I need to take similar if
not the same attributes and parameters into consideration when trying to
determine what a white-tailed deer population would look like without any
hunting pressure. I also think that I would need to have some information on
the suitability of the habitat in Vermont for deer in order to figure out how
the population would spread. In the case of white-tailed deer, the resources
needed to survive would be soft mast for foraging and wintering areas (which I
found a map of in VT on the VT fish and wildlife website). I think if those wintering areas have already
been established then I can count those areas as suitable deer habitat for my
It is clear that much more research needs to be done on this
project and it is much more complicated than I was thinking it would be. There
is a lot of data that needs to go into this model in order to create a
simulation of a spreading population and many parameters I hadn’t even thought
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